I have been doing a lot of bite corrections lately. Most of the time, it is to help people with their TMD and headaches, but frequently people come in to see me complaining that their bite does not feel right. Sometimes, I am doing bite corrections on natural teeth due to spacing or crowding, …
How Do You Know If You Have TMD ?
Lots of people suffer from aches and pains and jaw problems and have been told that they have TMD. For many, it is a minor irritation, like a click or a pop in their jaw when they open their mouth wide, or muscle stiffness, or occasional tooth sensitivity. For others, it can be frequent headaches. …
Getting Your Bite Right
Do your teeth come together properly? All together at the same time. Or does one side hit first? Or 1 tooth hit first? Or maybe just in the back? If your teeth do not work properly, it will cause damage to your teeth, fillings or crowns, notches form along the gun line, gums recede, but …
Treating Headaches & TMD with Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR)
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 10 million Americans suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disfunction (TMD). They define TMD as “a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.” TMD symptoms include pain, muscle tension, headaches, limited movement, joint noises, arthritis, …
Headaches from Chewing Gum
A study reported in the December 2013 issue of Pediatric Neurology looked at chewing gum as a cause of migraine headaches in teenagers. Thirty teens who chewed gum and suffered from migraines or tension headaches were asked to stop chewing gum for one month. 26 reported significant improvement. 19 had complete headache resolution. According to …